Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rachael turns 6

I cant believe that my baby is now 6 years old. Rachael wanted to know the exact time that she would be 6 so I told her that it was at 10:29 in the morning. So she kept watching the clock and ever few minutes she would say OK is it time yet, I would tell her that she had 5 more minutes and this went on until it was time. Well once the clock turned to 10:29 she started to scream "Yea I am finally 6" she then came into the bathroom and said "look now I am taller" if only it worked out that way. She had her special day at school and that was fun for her.

We had a little family party, Dave and Jessica came over for a minute. Rachael had her special day at school I was able to go with her and share some "FAVORITES of Rachael's".

Then on Friday we had a small little friends party for her.

They had a fun time making door hangers, we wrote their names on them and then they glued buttons and bows on them. What a fun time she had. Happy Birthday Rach we love you.


Dave and Jessica said...

Happy Birthday again Rach! Hope you liked your Polly Pocket. Sorry we couldn't stay longer...last week was a really bad bad week for me! I am sorry! Hope you guys had fun boating yesterday! We are sure jealous!

Kim said...

Happy Birthday, Rachael! Sorry your Aunt forgets every year. I'm terrible about those things. We sure love you though! Brooklynn would agree that it is soooo cool to be 6! (And I could tell from the pictures that you are taller.)

Author said...

Wow! she is growing up fast! She's very cute and I'm glad she had a good birthday.

Is that Macey in the pink shirt? If so, she's grown up so much too!